Product Data Quality Check

With our Product Data Health Check, you can find out how your product communication can be effective and inexpensive.

Discover your potential for strong product data quality

How well are you digitally positioned?

Discover how your company is doing in the area of product data quality. Find out where your strengths lie and in which areas there is potential for optimization to improve your digital performance.

How does it all work?

Our process takes you through the health check step by step. With targeted analyses and clear recommendations, you get a comprehensive picture of data quality — transparent, understandable and practice-oriented.

Your benefits — now and in the future

Improve the quality of your product communication sustainably! By optimizing data processes, you not only increase your efficiency today, but also create a stable basis for long-term success.

React now and digitalize the communication of your products!

When pressure on processes and costs increases, digitization quickly becomes a competitive advantage. And it's already clear that the more companies have digitized their processes, the better their performance is right now. It is no different in marketing and sales.

It is therefore becoming increasingly important to react flexibly to new requirements, to provide product data quickly and to enrich it with product ranges, translations and media.

Get in touch now

How well are you digitally positioned?

Let's take a look at your product communication together!

Get expert input now on important topics related to managing and publishing your article information:

Do you know the low-hanging fruits, the quick wins of your digitization strategy?

Do you find that you can respond quickly enough to new requirements?

Do you have a quick overview of product ranges, translations and the maintenance status of your product data?

Are your processes for publishing your products smoothly interlinked?

Are you able to distribute your media assets quickly and globally?

Why now?

A recession or crisis acts like a magnifying glass for processes that are not optimized and not digitized. Now is therefore the time to take the right steps here.

The faster the better!

We know that many companies are facing significant problems right now when it comes to product communication. On topics that prevent them from being as fast and flexible as they would like with their products and media.

That's what our customers say

In a nutshell — your health check has helped us identify the potential in our marketing processes.

At the same time, we have made our translations cheaper and more consistent by combining translation requirements with product ranges. Thank you!

Unser Vertrieb hat nun aktuellere und bessere Infos- und zwar jeden Tag!

How does it all work?

The Product Data Health Check is an extremely compressed workshop format that we have developed for medium-sized and large companies in industry and trade. A quick to prepare boot camp that helps us analyze digital processes in marketing and sales. This is how you and we prepare a joint workshop and quickly get to the point together:

Where is action needed?

Where can you make compromises?

Where should you lend your hand first?

Get in touch now

What are we watching together?

The path of your product data from creation to output — and what else needs to be done about it.

Managing the media associated with your products.

Your IT landscape in the company and its networking.

Your article editions across various media and channels.

The processes in your company that are relevant to managing your output channels.

Your benefits — now and in the future

Our Product Data Health Check enables your marketing to take action — for the challenges of today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Here is an excerpt of the optimizations that we have recently been able to support our customers with - in terms of advice and implementation:

Building a website system for over 200 countries and 7 brands

Full automation of sophisticated catalogs, which are now available generated on a daily basis

Generation processes for technical data sheets, sales flyers and Powerpoints in 20+ languages, updated daily

Image cloud for leaner data deliveries in eCommerce

Optimizing translation processes and saving costs through automation

Automating packaging data to produce packagings faster

Get in touch

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Frequently asked questions...

How much does the Product Data Health Check cost?

The price for the complete analysis including workshop is 3,500, - EUR, which we will credit you in full if you hire us for another service in the following 12 months.

What do I have to do about this?

It's very simple: You answer a few questions that we use to prepare a joint workshop. You and your colleagues will take around 3 hours to complete this workshop. We'll guide you through the appointment and take care of everything else.

Is the information I send in confidential?

Needless to say. We are ISO27001 certified and take the protection of your information and data very seriously. Specifically: You will receive a signed confidentiality agreement immediately after making contact with us — even before you send us any data. After our contact, we will delete your data and only contact you again with your consent.

What does the Product Data Health Check do for me?

You have a quick analysis of the digitization status of your product communication. This also includes an initial assessment of the next steps you should take. With our summary, you can plan the next steps internally, hire another service provider — or decide to take the next steps with us. Just as you wish!

Why should I do this analysis with Kittelberger media solutions and not with a consulting firm?

We are one of the most experienced PIM MAM providers in German-speaking countries and have learned in hundreds of projects what is important in the outputs of product and media data. Because we not only know the relevant channels, but also implement them, we take responsibility for the content and usability of the analyses. And we're quick with it. Promised!

How long does the workshop last and how does it work?

The appointment itself takes around 3 hours. Together, we will take a look at the relevant topics in your company, including

Existing IT infrastructure

Processes related to article creation, maintenance, translations and issuance

Channels and assortments

Your pain points in the output of product data