Efficientand secure: data maintenance, integration and connections

New data into the system? With our import tools,big tasks will become very small.

Achieve your goals with our tested solution forseamless and efficient product data migration – and experience how well speedand security go together.

Ein Screenshot von advastamedia, der das Thema Datenmigration veranschaulicht.


Time-consuming and expensive data maintenance?

Is your product data maintenance time-consuming and resource-intensive?

Lots of people, lots of information, lots of time: Comprehensive consolidation and transfer of product data to target systems can be very work consuming.

Is your data stored in silos throughout the company?

Data is needed in marketing, sales and technical documentation – and data is created. If there is no central storage, this leads to additional costs and delays.

Is the data flow between your systems not optimal?

Adjustments to ERP of marketing output systems are often expensive and difficult to implement, which severely limits flexibility.

Schaubild Datenmigration

From zero to a lot – in little time.

advastamedia is the perfect solution for your challenges in integrating and migrating product data. With our solution you save valuable time, reduce costs by up to 30% and improve the efficiency of your data management.

Book a demo now

We will show you how to get your data securely into the target system.

Import assistant for easy migration

Imagine being able to import your data effortlessly and quickly, without any programming knowledge. Our import assistant guides you safely through the entire process and guarantees fast and reliable data allocation and integration. Experience how easy and efficient data migration can be.

Easy to process: Data via API or standard format

Nutzen Sie unsere API-Schnittstellenfunktion, um schnell und einfach auf neue Anforderungen zu reagieren. Unsere flexiblen API-Definitionen ermöglichen eine schnelle Anpassung und verbessern Ihre Fähigkeit, sich ändernden Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Maximieren Sie Ihre Flexibilität und Reaktionsfähigkeit mit unserer innovativen Lösung.